
Zero Energy Project News Article Feature Image SPH 020819

Passive House Busts High Cost Myth

There’s a myth circulating that super energy-efficient homes cost more to build than homes with typical code-level energy features. Last year, Architect, Richard Pedranti, busted that myth by designing a home to Passive House standards for only $165 per square foot. “We typically use between $175 and $200 per square foot for standard new home construction costs in our area,” said Pedranti.


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The 2,153 square-foot home achieved this with a simple design, lots of insulation, super air sealing and modest package of mechanical equipment.

For that modest price, this Passive House offers three significant benefits: personal health and comfort, superior energy efficiency, and affordability.

The 2,153 square-foot home achieved this with a simple design, lots of insulation, super air sealing and modest package of mechanical equipment. The result attracted quite a lot of attention, including the 2017 Passive House of the Year award and several magazine articles.

The Scranton Passive House is the 112th Passive House certified by the Passive House Institute, US. Pedranti produced a free e-book (PDF) packed with photos, detailed drawings, and useful information on this extraordinary home.Technical drawing

The Passive House program has had immeasurable impact on the North American housing industry by raising the bar for energy efficiency.

The organization has set a very high standard of energy performance, trained thousands of professionals, stimulated a growing market for high performance building materials and equipment.

Pedranti has managed to meet these high Passive House standards with a home that is cost comparable to similar standard homes in the area.

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Scranton Passive House 


  1. jonathan gonzalez on September 10, 2020 at 7:07 pm

    hi i need architect for milford pa 18337 new home

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